238.The Last One (1)

Season:10 Episode:19 First Aired:5/6/2004 Prod Code:176266

Ross wants to be with Rachel, but she still wants to go to Paris. He tries to tell her about his feelings, but Gunther beats him to it. Rachel leaves for the airport, and Ross decides to catch her at the gate. Meanwhile, Erica turns out to be carrying twins: a boy and a girl. Chandler and Monica name the girl Erica, after her surrogate mother, and the boy Jack, after Monica's father. Mike tells Phoebe that he wants to have babies. Joey buys Monica and Chandler a housewarming present: Chick Jr. and Duck Jr.

The final episode begins with Rachel putting on her shoes … at the foot of Ross' bed. It seems the duo had quite a time since we last spotted them. Ross remarks that a guy at work gave him Sex for Dummies as a joke. He adds, "Who's laughing now?"
Over in the hospital delivery room, Monica, Chandler and birth mother Erica are seconds away from the Bing baby's arrival. Before we know it, the baby's born — and it's a boy! The proud parents admire their child. The doctor looks up.
"The other one will be along in a minute," the doctor says. Cut to commercial.
Yep, that's right — somehow nobody knew it until now, but Erica is about to give birth to twins. Mon and Chan have a minor freak-out, during which Chandler suggests they give each baby half a medallion and reunite them when they're older. But then they agree: Of course they'll keep both babies.
Baby No. 2 is a girl.
Meanwhile, Joey has two housewarming presents for the Bings: a chick and a duck. He introduces them to Phoebe and Ross, who tells them about his perfect evening with Rachel. Now more than ever, Ross doesn't want her to take that plane to Paris. With a little encouragement from Joey and Phoebe, he decides to tell her how he feels at Central Perk.
But there's one thing he didn't count on at the coffee shop … Gunther.
The bald barrista confronts Rach before Ross can even reach her. "I love you," he says. Gunther adds he knows his revelation might not change her plans, but he just had to say something. She kisses him, thanks him and walks out the door. Ross fumes.
And the Bing babies? They're now named Jack and Erica, after Monica's father and the birth mother. In the quickest hospital-to-home turnaround ever, they return to the apartment, and Monica finishes packing.
Joey runs to his apartment to get the housewarming presents. One problem: The chick and the duck are missing. After a brief investigation, Chandler and Joey realize the animals are stuck in the foosball table. Since they can't bear to bust it open, they get Monica to do it. She does, and the poultry is saved. Chandler and Joey then decide Joey should keep the animals. After all, it will be lonely around his apartment.

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