231.The One with Phoebe's Wedding

Season:10 Episode:12 First Aired:2/12/2004 Prod Code:176262

Phoebe asks Joey to give her away at her wedding. Monica's the wedding planner and she's driving Phoebe nuts. Chandler and Ross discover at the rehearsal dinner that neither of them has a part in the wedding. However, Mike needs to replace a groomsman, so he lets Phoebe choose one of them, although she gives the job to Rachel. Joey takes his role as the bride's dad way too seriously. Phoebe fires Monica. The day of the wedding, New York is hit with the worst snowstorm its seen in 20 years. Phoebe rehires Monica, and the wedding ends up taking place in the street outside of Central Perk. When the priest can't make it, Joey steps in for him, and Chandler gives the bride away, while groomsman Ross is stuck taking care of Mike's old dog.

Monica is driving Phoebe insane when she is planning Phoebe's wedding, barking orders military style, complete with headset. At the rehearsal dinner, Phoebe gets really upset with Monica for rushing her and making sure everything is spotlessly perfect even if no one likes it, and fires her. The next day, Phoebe is going through hell doing Monica's job, having ice sculptures turning up and not knowing the technical name for orchids. Chandler and Ross find out that they are not included in the wedding and complain to Phoebe, who tells them they were next in line. When one of Mike's groomsmen can't make it, Mike lets Phoebe decide who gets to be in the wedding, a job she passes to Rachel as a Bridesmaid job. After both plead with Rachel, Mike decides it would be fun to have his dog, Chappy, as the missing groomsman. There is a giant blizzard, and the minister gets cut off in the snow, so they decide to do the service in the street outside Central Perk. Joey is the new minister, because he is still ordained from Monica and Chandler's wedding. "Why would I give up free rides on the bus?" he explains. Phoebe gives Monica her job back, wanting her to be "crazy b!tch lady" again. With the snow, Chappy can't walk on his own, so Ross and Chandler both volunteer to hold him. Ross gets it because Chandler hates dogs, but Ross soon regrets it when the dog smells. Chandler then substitutes for Phoebe's father. Phoebe refuses to wear a coat even though it is freezing. They get married with very few problems.

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