221.The One Where Ross Is Fine

Season:10 Episode:2 First Aired:10/2/2003 Prod Code:176252

Ross puts on a convincing front and invites Joey and Rachel to dine on fajitas with him and Charlie. He quickly gets drunk and embarrasses everyone. After Rachel and Charlie leave, Joey spends the night and the two talk in the morning. Ross tells Joey he'll work on getting used to him and Rachel. Meanwhile, Frank Jr. visits with his kids and tries to talk Phoebe into taking one of the triplets. Also, Chandler and Monica visit some friends of Phoebe's to learn about adoption. However, Chandler accidentally tells their son something he didn't know - that he's adopted.

Rachel, Joey and Charlie attend an uncomfortable dinner party that Ross throws. They are worried about his state of mind when Ross has too much wine, sings and laughs uncomfortably.
Meanwhile, Chandler and Monica visit a couple who have adopted a boy to ask them about adoption. Chandler excuses himself to find the bathroom and runs into the boy. He asks how he feels about being adopted, not knowing that the boy doesn’t know that he’s adopted.
Phoebe gets a visit from her brother, Frank Jr, who Phoebe was a surrogate mother for, because he is desperate for help and can no longer cope with his triplets. He wants Phoebe to take one but in the end realises that he could never give any of the triplets away and how much he loves the triplets.

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