151.The One with the Engagement Picture

Season:7 Episode:5 First Aired:11/2/2000 Prod Code:226404

While taking an engagement picture for himself and Monica, Chandler cannot make anything but a weird face. Rachel enlists Joey to take Tag out for a night on the town. Phoebe and Ross date a couple in the middle of a divorce.

Ross and Phoebe wind up dating both halves of a recently divorced couple and find themselves arguing like an old married and about to separate couple. Of course, this merely brings the couple back together; leaving Ross and Phoebe spent and empty handed.
Rachel asks Joey to take her assistant, Tag, out on the town to keep her young crush away from another woman in her office. Unfortunately for Rachel, Joey turns Tag into a Jr. Tribianni skirt chaser.
Chandler is unable to pose for a wedding picture without looking like a complete moron. Hours of concentration leave him unable to shake his goofy “I’m a dork” grin.

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