224.The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysits

Season:10 Episode:5 First Aired:10/30/2003 Prod Code:176255

Monica and Chandler solicit Joey to write a letter to the adoption agency on their behalf. Joey discovers the thesaurus. Rachel's sister Amy visits and moves in with Rachel and Joey. She babysits Emma and gets the little girl's ears pierced. On their first anniversary, Phoebe spoils Mike's plans to propose, so she proposes to him. That doesn't go well, but the two get engaged anyway.

Rachel's sister, Amy (played by Christina Applegate)returns. She's now engaged to a guy with "a killer apartment," and Rachel thinks it's a bad idea. It doesn't take long before Amy ends the relationship — and moves into Rachel and Joey's place.
Meanwhile, it's the one-year anniversary for Phoebe and Mike, and they're going to a Knicks game to celebrate. During halftime, they see a fan proposing to his girlfriend on the big video screen. "That's the worst way to propose!" Phoebe tells Mike. His face falls; obviously he'd planned to do the same thing.
Phoebe feels horrible and decides to propose herself during another game. That doesn't pan out when men start making fun of Mike. In the end, Mike successfully proposes during dinner and places a ring on Phoebe's finger.
Amy eventually moves out of Rachel's apartment, but not until she gets in trouble for piercing baby Emma's ears. The whole experience inspires Amy to start a new, creepy-sounding career: baby stylist!
As for Chandler and Monica, they're still looking into adoption, and Joey offers to send a recommendation to the agency. They reluctantly let him, but insist he give the letter to them first. Of course, Joey ignores the request and takes it directly to the agency. They call Chandler and tell him they love the recommendation — and it's especially nice that it was written by a child.

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